
Piet Mondrian: Parallel Readings


Teatro Trasnocho Cultural
Centro Comercial Paseo Las Mercedes
Caracas, Venezuela

The Seminario Fundación Cisneros is a multidisciplinary space for the study and diffusion of art, produced in or from the American continent in dialog with the world; a center for reflection where specialists from diverse countries and disciplines analyze the works produced by Americans or residents of the continent, attentive to their local specificities and to the multiple crossing and meeting points with other cultural scenes. The seminar will take place once a year in Caracas.

The central theme for this first meeting is a study of the work of Piet Mondrian, particularly the various readings of his work made by artists in countries such as France, the United States, Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela.

Mondrian in Paris: a very abstract Cubist
Brigitte Léal, Deputy Director of Musée National d'Art Moderne at the Centre George Pompidou in Paris and curator of the retrospective Mondrian/De Stijl (December 1, 2010–March 21, 2011)

Cropping Mondrian: a misreading? The case of the River Plate 1944–1950
Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, Director of Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros

The significance of Mondrian: Charmion von Wiegand and the expansion of Neo-plasticism in the United States
Mary Kate O'Hare, Associate Curator of American Art, Newark Museum, New Jersey

Continuing to Mondrian: divergent readings
Ariel Jiménez, Chief Curator, Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros