• January 23, 2023

Open Call: Artist Interview Workshops (in Spanish)

The CPPC collaborates with VoCA to offer a selection of Artist Interview Workshops entirely in Spanish.

The Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros is committed to the commissioning and preservation of first-hand accounts from cultural producers in Latin America as a crucial aspect of our mission to support scholarship and promote the appreciation of art and culture from the region. 

We are delighted to team up with Voices of Contemporary Art (VoCA) and support them in sharing their extensive expertise and methods with Spanish-speaking artists, scholars, and arts professionals across the globe. Thanks to this collaboration VoCA is now offering a selection of their Artist Interview Workshops in Spanish. The first two Spanish-language Workshop programs will be held virtually on May 8, 9, & 10 and July 10, 11, & 12, 2023.

The Artist Interview Workshops provide conservators, curators, educators, and other arts professionals, at all stages of their careers, with a greater understanding of the methods and skills needed to conduct successful artist interviews.

Applications from all interested parties are welcome, regardless of prior training or experience with interviews. This workshop is free of charge; there is no cost to register nor to attend.

To submit an online application for one or both of these upcoming workshops, click HERE. The deadline to apply for this program is Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

For further questions, please visit VoCA’s website or email assistant@voca.network.

Image: The Artist Interview Workshop held at the Rubell Collection in Miami, 2015. Photo by Seth Browarnik/ WorldRedEye.com