
Diario de Auguste Morisot, 1886–1887

Diario de Auguste Morisot, 1886–1887
Author: Auguste Morisot. Preface by Álvaro A. García Castro
Published: 2002
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 9584203304

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In his diary, the French artist and draughtsman Auguste Morisot relates the story of his expedition, along with the French explorer Jean Chaffanjon, to the sources of the Orinoco River in 1886. In his sensitive narrative, Morisot describes in detail the natural environment and people he encounters along the way, painting with words what he can’t include in his drawings.
  • Title: Diario de Auguste Morisot, 1886–1887
  • Date: April 25, 2002
  • Title: Diario de Auguste Morisot, 1886–1887
  • Date: April 25, 2002
Diario de Auguste Morisot, 1886–1887
Author: Auguste Morisot. Preface by Álvaro A. García Castro
Published: 2002
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 9584203304

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Text in Spanish

In his diary, the French artist and draughtsman Auguste Morisot relates the story of his expedition, along with the French explorer Jean Chaffanjon, to the sources of the Orinoco River in 1886. In his sensitive narrative, Morisot describes in detail the natural environment and people he encounters along the way, painting with words what he can’t include in his drawings.