
Diccionario biográfico de las artes visuales en Venezuela

Diccionario biográfico de las artes visuales en Venezuela
Editors: Francisco Da Antonio, Douglas Monroy, Esmeralda Niño Araque, Rafael A. Romero D., Alejandro Salas and Clementina Vaamonde Berrizbeitia
Published: 2005
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 9806420187
2 volumes
This book illustrates Venezuelan culture through biographies of 1,065 Venezuelan artists, whose lives tell the story of the rich history of art in their country from the end of the colonial period through the present day. The dictionary includes sculptors, photographers, engravers, designers, lithographers, painters and mixed-media artists. It is an essential reference for those interested in the evolution of Venezuelan art.
  • Title: Diccionario biográfico de las artes visuales en Venezuela
  • Date: January 31, 2005
  • Title: Diccionario biográfico de las artes visuales en Venezuela
  • Date: January 31, 2005
Diccionario biográfico de las artes visuales en Venezuela
Editors: Francisco Da Antonio, Douglas Monroy, Esmeralda Niño Araque, Rafael A. Romero D., Alejandro Salas and Clementina Vaamonde Berrizbeitia
Published: 2005
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 9806420187
2 volumes
This book illustrates Venezuelan culture through biographies of 1,065 Venezuelan artists, whose lives tell the story of the rich history of art in their country from the end of the colonial period through the present day. The dictionary includes sculptors, photographers, engravers, designers, lithographers, painters and mixed-media artists. It is an essential reference for those interested in the evolution of Venezuelan art.