
La resistencia de las sombras

La resistencia de las sombras
Author: Luis Pérez-Oramas
Published: 2005
Language: Spanish with English translation
ISBN: 9806454197

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In Spanish with texts translated into English
In this essay Luis Pérez-Oramas comments on the contradictions in the history of Venezuelan abstract-kinetic art as a history of “shadows,” or rather, a “resistance to shadows.” In this context, such shadows are understood as something latent beneath the work of art that cannot be seen but are destined to be revealed. This particular perspective is supported by the works of Otero and Gego, singular representatives of Venezuelan abstraction, not so much because they are “…kinetic artists strictly…[but]…because they are critical counter-figures of kinetic art,” as Oramas explains. The text is accompanied by illustrations of works by Alejandro Otero, Gego, Soto, Cruz-Diez and other important Venezuelan artists.
  • Title: La resistencia de las sombras
  • Date: January 30, 2005
  • Title: La resistencia de las sombras
  • Date: January 30, 2005
La resistencia de las sombras
Author: Luis Pérez-Oramas
Published: 2005
Language: Spanish with English translation
ISBN: 9806454197

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In Spanish with texts translated into English
In this essay Luis Pérez-Oramas comments on the contradictions in the history of Venezuelan abstract-kinetic art as a history of “shadows,” or rather, a “resistance to shadows.” In this context, such shadows are understood as something latent beneath the work of art that cannot be seen but are destined to be revealed. This particular perspective is supported by the works of Otero and Gego, singular representatives of Venezuelan abstraction, not so much because they are “…kinetic artists strictly…[but]…because they are critical counter-figures of kinetic art,” as Oramas explains. The text is accompanied by illustrations of works by Alejandro Otero, Gego, Soto, Cruz-Diez and other important Venezuelan artists.