
Misal Rico de Cisneros

Misal Rico de Cisneros
Author: Anna Muntada Torrellas
Published: 2001
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 8460447138

This publication is an analysis of the Misal Rico de Cisneros, the Mass Book of the high altar at the Catedral de Toledo, which is currently kept in the Biblioteca Nacional de España. The text describes the content of the Mass Book along with the history of its production.
  • Title: Misal Rico de Cisneros
  • Date: August 25, 2001
  • Title: Misal Rico de Cisneros
  • Date: August 25, 2001
Misal Rico de Cisneros
Author: Anna Muntada Torrellas
Published: 2001
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 8460447138

This publication is an analysis of the Misal Rico de Cisneros, the Mass Book of the high altar at the Catedral de Toledo, which is currently kept in the Biblioteca Nacional de España. The text describes the content of the Mass Book along with the history of its production.