

Orinoco-Parima: Indian Societies in Venezuela
Authors: Stephan Andreae, Luiz Boglár, Lelia Delgado, Gabriele Herzog-Schoder, Marie-Claude Mattéi-Muller and Ulrike Prinz
Published: 1999
Language: Spanish, English and German
ISBN: 9806454014

This ethnographic compendium documents the twelve indigenous communities of the Venezuelan Orinoco River basin whose hand-crafted implements make up the Colección Orinoco. These are: De’áruwa (Piaroa), Ye’kuana, Yanomami, Híwi (Guahibo), E’ñepa (Panare), Wakuénai (Curripaco), Baniva, Baré, Puinave, Warekena, Tsase (Píapoco) y Hoti. This publication is distributed in German and English by Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bonn, Germany.
  • Title: Orinoco-Parima
  • Date: March 20, 1999
  • Title: Orinoco-Parima
  • Date: March 20, 1999
Orinoco-Parima: Indian Societies in Venezuela
Authors: Stephan Andreae, Luiz Boglár, Lelia Delgado, Gabriele Herzog-Schoder, Marie-Claude Mattéi-Muller and Ulrike Prinz
Published: 1999
Language: Spanish, English and German
ISBN: 9806454014

This ethnographic compendium documents the twelve indigenous communities of the Venezuelan Orinoco River basin whose hand-crafted implements make up the Colección Orinoco. These are: De’áruwa (Piaroa), Ye’kuana, Yanomami, Híwi (Guahibo), E’ñepa (Panare), Wakuénai (Curripaco), Baniva, Baré, Puinave, Warekena, Tsase (Píapoco) y Hoti. This publication is distributed in German and English by Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bonn, Germany.