
Toward 20th-Century Venezuelan Art

Toward 20th-Century Venezuelan Art
Author: Luis Pérez-Oramas
Published: 2000
Language: English and Spanish editions
ISBN: 9800766685

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Spanish version

In this text, Pérez-Oramas explores some of the processes through which Venezuelan visual arts have approached modernity, ranging from the stylistic innovations of the nineteenth century up to the most recent contemporary art. In his argument, he opposes the search for a local/national style with the constructive promise of a universal abstract art. This text was presented at a conference in the series Constructive Horizons: The Latin American Perspective, a research and art loan program sponsored by the FC/CPPC, the Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, and the Center for the Study of Modernity of the University of Texas, Austin.
  • Title: Toward 20th-Century Venezuelan Art
  • Date: August 7, 2000
  • Title: Toward 20th-Century Venezuelan Art
  • Date: August 7, 2000
Toward 20th-Century Venezuelan Art
Author: Luis Pérez-Oramas
Published: 2000
Language: English and Spanish editions
ISBN: 9800766685

Download the PDF:
English version
Spanish version

In this text, Pérez-Oramas explores some of the processes through which Venezuelan visual arts have approached modernity, ranging from the stylistic innovations of the nineteenth century up to the most recent contemporary art. In his argument, he opposes the search for a local/national style with the constructive promise of a universal abstract art. This text was presented at a conference in the series Constructive Horizons: The Latin American Perspective, a research and art loan program sponsored by the FC/CPPC, the Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, and the Center for the Study of Modernity of the University of Texas, Austin.