Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Diálogos: arte latinoamericano desde la Coleccion Cisneros."
This book presents a series of interviews between Jesús Soto and Ariel Jiménez.
A biographical dictionary of Venezuelan art.
Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Diálogos: arte latinoamericano desde la Coleccion Cisneros."
This book focuses on twelve groups of native peoples in this region: the De’áruwa (Piaroa), Ye’kuana, Yanomami, Híwi (Guahibo), E’ñepa (Panare), Wakuénai (Curripaco), Baniva, Baré, Puinave, Warekena, Tsase (Píapoco) and Hoti.
Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Arte contemporáneo venezolano en la Colección Cisneros (1990–2004)."
Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Diálogos: arte latinoamericano desde la Colección Cisneros."
Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Devoción privada, pintura religiosa de pequeño formato en Venezuela durante el período hispánico, siglos XVIII y XIX."
In this publication, Ariel Jiménez documents a series of interviews with the Venezuelan artist Jesús Soto.