Explore our Publications

From exhibition catalogs to monographs, our publications have remained rigorously consistent with our mission of supporting scholarly research and a deeper understanding of art from Latin America.

The urgent need to compile primary-sourced information from the region has shaped several editorial initiatives dedicated to preserving firsthand accounts from leading artists and intellectuals, including the bilingual Conversaciones/Conversations series that launched in 2010.

2005 May


Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Diálogos: arte latinoamericano desde la Coleccion Cisneros."

2005 Feb

Conversaciones con Jesús Soto

This book presents a series of interviews between Jesús Soto and Ariel Jiménez.

2005 Jan

Diccionario biográfico de las artes visuales en Venezuela

A biographical dictionary of Venezuelan art.

2005 Jan

La resistencia de las sombras

An essay by Luis Pérez-Oramas.

2004 Nov


Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Diálogos: arte latinoamericano desde la Coleccion Cisneros."

2004 Nov

Vida indígena en el Orinoco

This book focuses on twelve groups of native peoples in this region: the De’áruwa (Piaroa), Ye’kuana, Yanomami, Híwi (Guahibo), E’ñepa (Panare), Wakuénai (Curripaco), Baniva, Baré, Puinave, Warekena, Tsase (Píapoco) and Hoti.

2004 Oct

Arte contemporáneo venezolano

Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Arte contemporáneo venezolano en la Colección Cisneros (1990–2004)."

2004 Jul


Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Diálogos: arte latinoamericano desde la Colección Cisneros."

2003 Oct

Devoción privada

Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition "Devoción privada, pintura religiosa de pequeño formato en Venezuela durante el período hispánico, siglos XVIII y XIX."

2003 Jul

Conversaciones con Jesús Soto

In this publication, Ariel Jiménez documents a series of interviews with the Venezuelan artist Jesús Soto.